そうです - Indicates that the speaker is reporting something they heard or read.

普通形 +そうです (futsuu-kei + sou desu) is a Japanese grammatical structure used to express hearsay or information learned indirectly. It consists of the plain form of a verb or adjective followed by そうです, indicating "I heard that..." or "It seems that..."

<aside> 💡 Note this is used when the source of the information isn’t given. If you got it from a source and that is declared, then you would add where you got it followed by ようです.


Verb (plain form) + そうです


It seems that it will rain.

な-adjective (plain form) + だそうです


heard it will be hot tomorrow.

い-adjective (remove い) + そうです

Example: このケーキはおいしそうです。

Kono keeki wa oishisou desu.

(This cake looks delicious.)

Noun (めいし) + だそうです 明日、雨だそうです。